Site ownership

This site belongs to LISI SA.
Public limited company with board of directors and capital of €21,645,726.80


Editor in chief LISI SA: Amandine DELAGARDE.
For information about this website or its content, please contact us.

Design and hosting

Franche-Comté Net
6, rue Gérard Mantion – 25 000 Besançon
Tél. 03 81 48 09 09


The content includes the overall structure, text and animated and other images contained in the site. LISI SA has designed this website to present its activity and offer a new communication tool for its future employees. The total or partial representation of this website and its content is forbidden and would constitute an infringement punishable under articles L335-2 et sequentes of the French Intellectual Property Code. No commercial use may be made of the content.

Authorization to reproduce content

Partial or complete downloading, reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation or transfer to another site or information medium (printed, film etc.) are strictly prohibited.

Webmaster contact

To report any problem with the working of the website or browsing, or if you want to make any observations about the content, please feel free to contact us.